Have you heard of acid reflux? If so, you probably know that acids produced in your stomach can be pushed into your esophagus and lead to heartburn. Unfortunately, acids in your esophagus can also get into your smile. As you may guess, this can lead to quite a few problems.
Unfortunately, these powerful acids can eventually wear down the outer layer of your teeth. In fact, if you suffer from acid reflux (which is also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease), you’re more likely to have dry mouth and plaque buildup. Similarly, if acids are in your mouth, your teeth will be more vulnerable to cavities and tooth decay.
Unfortunately, if acid wears your enamel away, you may experience tooth sensitivity. This sensitivity often begins as slight pain, but if the issue isn’t addressed, the pain could become extreme and affect all your teeth. Similarly, as mentioned before, if you have acid reflux you’ll probably have a dry mouth. This can be problematic because your saliva will carry food particles away from your smile after you eat and negate acids. Without saliva, you’ll be more vulnerable to gum disease and tooth decay.  Sadly, these problems can each result in a variety of issues, such as bad breath, tooth aches, and even to tooth loss.
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect your smile. For instance, we recommend not smoking or wearing tight clothes. Similarly, if you nap try, sleeping in a chair. You should also avoid eating for at least two hours before you sleep. Of course, we also recommend visiting us at Smiles Unlimited. Dr. Rakhi Jani will be happy to give you advice that meets your needs.
If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 925.344.5757. We look forward to hearing from you.