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60 Fenton Street Suite 1, Livermore, CA 94550

Welcome to Smiles Unlimited Family Dental and Implants

Unlock Your Smile with Aging and Dental Health

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In order to keep your oral health care at its best, it is important to make sure you are always practicing safe and effective oral health care cleaning treatments to ensure your smile can thrive as you age. In addition, avoid unhealthy habits and snacks that can lead to dental damage or further tooth decay. With a combination of effective lifestyle habits and cleaning techniques, you can make sure your smile can thrive long into your twilight years.

As you age, it is important to make sure you are brushing and flossing every single day. In addition, if you have dentures make sure you’re cleaning them in a denture cleaning solution. Avoid unhealthy habits that can easily damage your teeth and gums and quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Also, avoid dietary risks such as snacks and medications that can cause dry mouth. Furthermore, make time for your dentist so they can check your smile to see any damage has occurred and schedule you for routine checkups and professional cleanings.

No matter which decision for your aging dental health treatments care you choose, Dr. Rakhi Jani and our team at Smiles Unlimited will make sure that you receive the care and support your smile requires. If you would like to come stop by our dentist office in Livermore, California, please schedule an appointment at 925.344.5757.