The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing each evening. Combined with your regular dental checkups, these tasks will greatly increase your chances of maintaining a healthy mouth for many years to come. Finding the right brand of toothpaste and dental floss will go a long way towardS keeping your smile in tip-top shape.
A brand of fluoride toothpaste can help address several issues. Fluoride helps strengthen the mineral density of the tooth enamel. This can help prevent tooth decay and it can even reduce issues with tooth sensitivity.
There are some brands of toothpaste that have been formulated to mitigate tooth sensitivity. They are meant to provide a temporary relief of symptoms, but you should still consider seeking dental care at Smiles Unlimited. If ignored, the underlying cause of your tooth sensitivity could worsen an untreated problem.
Whitening toothpastes are formulated with a mild concentration of hydrogen peroxide. These toothpastes help reduce minor surface stains between dental cleanings. Any serious dental stains will require professional whitening at our clinic.
There are several different variations of dental floss. Most have no impact on its clinical effectiveness. Finding the one you prefer most will help keep you encouraged to floss and complete your daily oral hygiene routine. Waxed dental floss tends to slide easier between tightly fitted teeth and dental work. Flavored dental floss has no bearing on its effectiveness; it is simply a matter of personal preference.
When shopping for dental floss and toothpaste, you should only consider brands that have earned the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance. The small logo printed on the product packaging indicates that it has been subjected to rigorous testing and research to approve its use in a daily oral hygiene routine.
If you live in the Livermore, California, area and you need help selecting quality oral hygiene products for you or your family, you can always call 925.344.5757 to speak with Dr. Rakhi Jani or a member of our staff so we can achieve your best smile.