To maintain excellent oral health you will want to take a closer look at your diet. Two common dental illnesses, tooth decay and gum disease, are highly impacted by your diet. Acids created by oral bacteria can harm the hard tissues in the mouth, causing cavities and gum disease, and a low immune system puts you at risk for periodontal disease.
Sugar can adversely affect the environment in your mouth, especially sticky foods like candy and dried fruit. It promotes tooth decay as oral bacteria comes into contact with sugar and the acid created by it attacks your teeth.
The Harmful of Effects of Acids
Acidic foods and drinks soften tooth enamel over time by repeated exposure to acid and sugar in soda –and canned teas–combine to erode enamel. If you like to sip soda throughout the day, instead of drinking it with meals, can make your mouth more vulnerable. Try sipping it through a straw to limit the exposure on your teeth and rinse well with water after drinking to help restore balance.
The Role of Saliva
Saliva helps to balance the acids in the mouth and protect both hard and soft oral tissues. Stimulate saliva production by staying well-hydrated. Water and unsweetened green tea is healthful and consider chewing sugarless gum if needed.
A healthy diet that includes the food groups like grains, fruit, vegetables, meat and milk is best. You might also think about adding a vitamin and mineral supplement to your diet. Calcium helps make healthy teeth and bones, and vitamins C and D promote healthy teeth and gums. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and the connective tissue in your jaw anchoring your teeth, and reduces inflammation.
Foods to Build a Healthy Body and Oral Health
Calcium-rich foods:
Yogurt, milk, cheese, soybeans, tofu with calcium, white beans, broccoli, almonds and leafy greens like kale, bok choy, collard greens.
Vitamin D-rich foods:
Mackerel, wild salmon, sardines and herring, milk, soy milk, yogurt, and egg yolks.
Vitamin C-rich foods:
Oranges and juice, guava, bell peppers, grapefruit and juice, pineapple, strawberries, broccoli, kale, kidney beans, sugar snap peas and tomatoes, to name just a few.
Your diet can help or harm your oral health. Take the time to nourish yourself from healthy sources, and your teeth and gums will take good care of you. If you have further questions or concerns, please call our dental team at 925.344.5757 and let us help keep you smiling!