You constantly swish mouthwash day and night. You take mints with you everywhere as if your life depended on them. Does this sound like you? If you find yourself constantly trying to cover up bad breath (a.k.a. halitosis), then you need to see your dentist so they can determine the best treatment. Here are a few of the reasons you may have bad breath.
The bacteria in your mouth that creates plaque can also cause halitosis. This bacteria feeds on food particles and starts to produce a volatile sulphur compound (vsc). This compound is what often creates the smell of bad breath.
If food isn’t cleaned out of your mouth regularly, it can rot and produce nasty odors. Additionally, garlic, onions, spices, and other strong-smelling foods enter the blood stream after digestion where they are then carried to the lungs. This means that your breath can smell bad even after cleaning your teeth.
Periodontal Disease
If your mouth continues to be left uncleaned, then the bacteria in it creates plaque on the teeth which can eventually extend to the gums and infect them. Bad breath can be a sign of periodontal disease because periodontal pockets created by the infection can hold the odor-producing bacteria.
Dry Mouth
Saliva does a great job at cleaning your mouth of food particles. However, when there isn’t enough saliva, halitosis can occur. The reasons for dry mouth may include continuous breathing through the mouth (especially when you sleep), some medications, problems with the salivary glands, or the condition xerostomia.
Tobacco leaves its own odor in the mouth, especially if it is used consistently. Smoking can also induce other causes for bad breath like increasing the risk of periodontal disease and inflaming the salivary glands.
Medical Conditions
Infections in the mouth such as periodontal disease or mouth sores can cause bad breath. However, medical conditions in other parts of the bodies could be the problem. These conditions include lung or sinus infection, liver or kidney disease, bronchitis, and diabetes.