Here at Smiles Unlimited, we offer two new forms of orthodontic treatment. Invisalign® or Fastbraces.® Both treatment options are a safe and effective form of giving you the straight smile you always wanted. However, how do you know which option is best for you? That is why our team is here to help you learn about both products and see... read more »
Here at Smiles Unlimited, we are proud to offer FastBraces® for our patients. Thanks to the technology of Fastbraces, adults and teens alike who feel self-conscious about their smile, can now have their smile straightened with this great short-term treatment. Fastbraces is a new orthodontic treatment using either metal or clear ceramic brackets to align your teeth in their ideal... read more »
A toothache or a deep and pervasive pain deep within the gums is almost always a sign of a more serious problem. In most cases, it means that damage or decay has penetrated the sensitive interior of the tooth. If the pulp or root of the tooth has been compromised Dr. Rakhi Jani might need to perform endodontic therapy to... read more »
You probably have a long list of things you need to get done before your children go back to school. Sadly, one important thing is often overlooked. While visiting our dentist may not be what your children are hoping to do during their summer, it is something that shouldn’t be overlooked. You see, tooth decay is fairly common in younger... read more »
Just like any other part of your body, an accident or emergency can also happen in your mouth. Even though your teeth are usually anchored firmly in place, it’s still not uncommon for a hard fall or blow to the face to actually knock one of your teeth out of the socket. To treat the knocked-out tooth, your Smiles Unlimited... read more »
Do you ever wonder when it’s best to replace your child’s cute, dinosaur toothbrush? If so, our Smiles Unlimited team is more than happy to give you the tips you need! You need to replace your child’s toothbrush at the same times when adults need to replace their toothbrushes. You should replace it: -After 3-4 months: After your child has... read more »
When a tooth suffers from a small to medium sized area of decay Dr. Rakhi Jani can often repair it with a filling. As time passes, it is not unheard of for a filling or the cement holding it in place to give way to the pervasive presence of the bacteria in your mouth. Should a large filling be lost,... read more »
Many people feel that a white and even smile says a lot about them. Unfortunately, the natural processes of aging, dark food and drinks, or tobacco use can stain the teeth in your smile. This might leave you feeling self-conscious and wanting to explore your whitening options. It’s always a good idea to consult with Dr. Rakhi Jani before starting... read more »
Are you in need of a dental implant to restore your smile but are putting it off due to fears about dental implants? We understand that some patients are hesitant because of myths that are prevalent concerning dental implants. Today, Dr. Rakhi Jani and our team at Smiles Unlimited want to lay your fears to rest and give you the... read more »
Are you ever worried about the color of your teeth? If so, you're far from alone. In fact, did you know that Americans spend $1.4 billion dollars every year on home whitening kits? If you're unhappy with the color of your smile, we recommend giving us a call—but wouldn't it be nice to avoid the need for a whitening altogether?... read more »