This isn’t a topic that everyone always thinks about, but it’s something that we’ve all definitely wondered at one point in our lives – what exactly does all that saliva in our mouths actually do? Is there a reason it’s there? After all, most everything else that occurs naturally in our bodies serves a specific purpose.
As it so happens, saliva has a distinct role to play as well. It’s one that’s vital to both your oral health and to eating. Once you understand the importance of saliva, you’ll be able to better take care of your oral health.
What does it do?
The key tasks saliva carries out include producing enamel-protecting elements and breaking food down to give it taste. Saliva is so effective at producing enamel that you’ll likely hear from a dentist to eat foods that enhance saliva production. Dr. Rakhi Jani can give you a comprehensive list of foods that achieve this exact task.
Why is it important?
Saliva is important because it helps protect your teeth from infection and decay. When you get your check up here at Smiles Unlimited in Livermore, California, that’s what our team is looking for – infection and decay. Not finding any is obviously the desired outcome.
Saliva helps your enamel remain strong, and that’s key to stopping tooth decay. Enamel is the hard outer layer of your teeth that surround the living bundles of nerves and blood vessels that make your teeth truly alive.
It may not seem important on the surface, but saliva plays a vital role in your oral health. If you’d like to know more or to schedule an appointment, call us today at 925.344.5757.