Inconsistent oral hygiene practices or putting off your regularly scheduled dental checkups at Smiles Unlimited can result in deposits of plaque and bacteria in your mouth. This can increase your chances of suffering from gum disease and other oral health maladies. In time the persistent build up of acids could also cause a cavity to form on one of your teeth. If you have noticed increasing sensitivity and discomfort with one of your teeth, you shouldn’t wait for your next dental checkup to have it examined. The wisest course of action is to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Rakhi Jani as soon as possible.
After examining the affected tooth the dentist might treat it with a dental filling. The treatment process starts with the dentist numbing the area. Once you are comfortable she will remove the decayed area of tooth enamel and prepare the surrounding surface to bond the filling.
Composite fillings are often the preferred option for treating a tooth that is easily seen by other people. A composite is a special type of dental resin that can be shaded to match the existing tooth enamel. As it is being installed Dr. Rakhi Jani will harden each layer of the filling with a special ultraviolet light. This will effectively bond the dental filling to the neighboring tooth enamel.
If you live in the Livermore, California, area and you are concerned about the health of one your teeth, you should call 925.344.5757 to have it examined and treated by Dr. Rakhi Jani and staff at Smiles Unlimited.