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Welcome to Smiles Unlimited Family Dental and Implants

Don’t Let Dental Implant Myths Prevent Your Dental Restoration

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Are you in need of a dental implant to restore your smile but are putting it off due to fears about dental implants? We understand that some patients are hesitant because of myths that are prevalent concerning dental implants.

Today, Dr. Rakhi Jani and our team at Smiles Unlimited want to lay your fears to rest and give you the motivation to seek out the restoration your smile deserves!

For a free consultation with Dr. Rakhi, please call our office at 925.344.5757 today!

Myth # 1

Dental implant placements are painful.”

Because dental implant placement is a surgical procedure, there is some discomfort and pain, but not much more than having a tooth extracted. Dr. Rakhi Jani will ensure that you are as comfortable during the procedure as possible, offering anesthetic options to suit your needs.

Myth #2

“Dental implants can be rejected or even fall out.”

Because dental implants are made from bio-compatible materials—titanium, most often, your body won’t need to reject it. In a small percentage of patients, a dental implant may fail to bond with the jawbone, loosen or fall out. But according to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, dental implants actually have an overall success rate of 95 percent.

Myth #3

“Dental implants are very expensive.”

Initially, dental implants cost more than dentures or dental bridges. But in the long run, dental implants are actually more cost-effective, because implant-based dental restorations last longer than dentures or bridges. You can expect your dental implant to last 25 years, while in comparison, dental bridges have a lifespan of seven to ten years, and dentures five to ten years. So, generally, dental implants will provide better return on your investment than other treatment options.

Myth #4

 “Any dental provider can do an implant, so you can shop for a bargain.”

You may be tempted to have an implant done by a discount dental implant center, but like anything else, you do get what you pay for. You wouldn’t want to get a discounted face lift or eye surgery, so you want the same high standards for your smile. A dental provider may cut corners using less experienced staff, outdated equipment, or poor quality materials leaving you with sub-standard results. Considering you want your implant to last, you want quality work done using quality materials. Dr. Rakhi Jani and her team will ensure that your dental implant is the highest quality, and you have access to timely and excellent post-treatment followup and care.

Myth #5

“Dental implants are only for healthy young people.”

Dental implants can only be done when jaw growth is complete, but once that happens you can have a dental implant restoration successfully performed up into your 90s. There are some health conditions that may be problematic, such as active gum disease, bleeding disorders, uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, but most health issues which are treated and controlled will allow you to be a viable dental implant candidate.

Now that you have the full scoop on debunking dental implant myths, we hope you will consider having necessary dental implant restoration done.

At Smiles Unlimited in Livermore, California, Dr. Rakhi Jani and her team want you to be confident about receiving the quality dental work you deserve.

For a free consultation with Dr. Rakhi, please call our office at 925.344.5757 today!