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Should I Pull My Child’s Tooth?

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Usually, your baby’s first primary tooth will erupt when they are about six months old. Typically, by the time your child is two and a half years old, he or she will have a full set (about twenty) primary teeth. These teeth are extremely important because they:

  • Keep space open for permanent teeth
  • Support facial structure
  • Help children learn to speak clearly
  • Support good nutrition because children will sometimes reject food when it is too hard to chew

But, as important as your baby teeth are, there comes a time when they need to be removed. In fact, you can expect your child to lose their first baby tooth when they are about six years old.

Sometimes, your child’s baby teeth will fall out on their own, but on other occasions, a parent or dentist may need to intervene. However, if you have to pull a tooth out, please be careful. When your child’s tooth starts getting lose, their adult tooth is growing. This means that the roots of the primary tooth are being reabsorbed, leaving it without roots.

Please do not pull your child’s tooth until it is very loose. If you try to pull the tooth before it is ready, it could still be anchored by its roots. If you wait long enough, the process could be completely painless. Even if there is some discomfort involved, it will usually be very mild.

Do you have more questions about caring for—or removing—your child’s baby tooth? If so, please feel free to contact us today. We’re excited to hear from you soon.